Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

I Broke My Dentures: What Should I Do and Should I See My Dentist?

Aug 1, 2024 @ 12:21 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Dentures Dental Implants

Even strong and natural-looking custom dentures can break. Maybe you dropped your dentures on the floor. Or, perhaps you cracked a prosthetic tooth on a piece of toffee. Either way, you have a question that needs answering: what should I do if I break my dentures?

It may seem like there are plenty of options, like using denture repair kits or finding products to cobble damaged pieces together. However, the truth is, there’s only one safe and smart solution to broken dentures: going to an established dentist, such as Monroeville’s own Dr. Edward Narcisi. That way, he can correctly address your problem and save you the unnecessary pitfalls of do-it-yourself denture repair.

Don’t Take a Gamble With Over-the-Counter Repair Kits

While over-the-counter repair kits and products may sound cheap and simple, they can end up costing you money in the long run. Why?

Denture Repair Kits Are a Temporary Fix at Best

Repair products or kits often just put a bandage on a larger problem. As a result, you may be back to the same issue — or a worsened problem — in no time at all.

Denture Repair Kits Can’t Fully Prevent Damage

Even patched-up dentures can have cracks or jagged surfaces. Over time, they can irritate or cut your soft tissues.

Denture Repair Kits May Not Properly Fix Your Problem

Dentures are supposed to mean a reprieve from the stress and difficulties caused by missing teeth. If you’re constantly trying to chew or talk carefully to hold your repairs together, you’ll be back to the familiar stress of life before dentures.

Denture Repair Kits Can Lead to Long-Term Problems

Dentists capture precise scans of your mouth when creating dentures. This allows your prosthetic to maintain the proper position for your teeth, bite, and jaw. It also helps your denture function correctly. Repairing your dentures without this information can disrupt this balance, leading to problems like jaw pain and misalignment.

Get a Dentist’s Help as Soon as Possible

Even with the best intentions and a good bit of research, you simply don’t have the years of education and practice that a qualified dentist like Dr. Narcisi does. The best thing you can do for yourself is trust our team for new or repaired dentures. We even offer advice on when to get new dentures.

If you notice cracked dentures, broken prosthetic teeth, or other damage, contact us as soon as possible. Take out your dentures too. You can put them in your usual denture solution and water until your visit.

Want Even More Effective Dentures? Consider Implants

Prefer a low-maintenance alternative to your current dentures? Our Monroeville dentist may recommend the placement of dental implants to secure dentures in place.

Dental implants are threaded posts placed in your jaw and gum. When paired with abutments, they can keep your dentures in place for years to come.

Comparing implant-supported dentures vs. traditional dentures reveals a variety of advantages to the former. Patients think implant dentures are worth the price because of their:

Find a Personalized Solution With Dr. Narcisi

It can be tempting to try to fix broken dentures at home — but ultimately, you’re just doing yourself a disservice. Our dentist has helped patients throughout Monroeville and Pittsburgh, PA, find custom answers for problems like these. That way, you can find a dentist-directed solution backed up by years of training and experience. He can even replace your dentures or restore new dental implants to give you a fresh start. All you have to do is show up, and he can take care of the rest. To begin, contact the compassionate team at the Center for Dental Excellence.