Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

My Bad Breath Won't Go Away: Is That Serious and Do I Need a Dentist?

Jul 1, 2024 @ 08:30 AM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Bad Breath

Bad breath can have many potential causes. While some causes aren’t serious, like eating pungent foods, others may be an indication of an oral health or general health problem. When bad breath won’t go away, it’s time to see a dentist. 

At our Monroeville office, Dr. Edward Narcisi offers dental exams to assess oral health and treat problems that may be causing bad breath. To find out what may be the source of your bad breath, contact our team serving MonroevillePAPittsburgh, PA, and neighboring areas to schedule a consultation.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Chronic Bad Breath

Eating foods with a lot of garlic, onion, or other strong smelling ingredients is a pretty common cause of bad breath. While bad breath caused by foods can be embarrassing, it’s generally harmless and goes away after a few hours. When bad breath is always present, it’s something to be concerned about. 

Chronic bad breath is often a sign of either an oral health problem or a general health problem and should not be ignored. It’s important to see a dentist when bad breath won’t go away so that any underlying health problems can be addressed.  

Bad Breath and Oral Health Problems

When bad breath isn’t caused by foods and is always present, it may be a symptom of an oral health problem. Some conditions that can cause bad breath and should be treated as soon as possible include: 

Bad Breath and General Health Problems

Sometimes bad breath isn’t caused by oral health problems but instead by a general health issue. Seeing a dentist to rule out oral health problems is important when an underlying general health issue is to blame for bad breath. Some general health conditions that may cause bad breath include: 

Treating and Preventing Bad Breath

It’s important to seek treatment for bad breath to protect oral health and potentially general health. When oral or general health problems are the source of bad breath, treating the cause can often help improve the breath. 

Dental treatments, like root canal therapy, gum disease treatment, and dental fillings, can be beneficial for eliminating bad breath. Seeing a physician is necessary when general health problems may be the source of bad breath. 

Once treated, you can help prevent bad breath by:

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re experiencing bad breath regularly, it may be a symptom of a health problem that needs attention. We welcome you to schedule a consultation with Monroeville dentist Edward Narcisi to discuss which treatments are right for you.