Center for Dental Excellence: Edward Narcisi, DMD

Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost? Consider These Benefits

Feb 21, 2024 @ 04:08 PM — by drednarcisi
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best treatment for missing teeth. Unlike traditional options, they can protect the health of your jawbone. Although we consider the benefits to be priceless, our patients understandably have questions about whether dental implants really are worth the cost. At our Monroeville, PA, dental office, we educate patients on the reasons we recommend implants and why they’re a good investment. In this blog post, let’s explore this topic in more detail.

To Start, Are Dental Implants Covered By Insurance?

Before we delve into the reasons implants are a good investment, it’s important to understand whether insurance covers the treatment. Dental implants themselves, unfortunately, are not usually covered by insurance. Any preparatory treatments like periodontal care as well as your crown, bridge, or denture, however, should be at least partially covered. We’ll work closely with your provider in order to maximize your benefits.

Why Dental Implants Are a Sound Investment

Compared to traditional crowns, bridges, and dentures, implants offer several priceless advantages:

A Lifetime of Support

While your restoration will need to be replaced eventually, implants are designed to last a lifetime. Once the biocompatible titanium has fused with the jawbone, you can expect the implants to last the rest of your life with proper care.

Better Bone Health

Once a tooth is lost or extracted, the body stops sending vital nutrients to the surrounding bone. The jaw will eventually weaken. Surrounding teeth can loosen and shift to fill the gap. The result? More widespread tooth loss and an aged, sunken appearance as the face suffers the effects of bone loss.

Dental implants mimic the function of tooth roots, stimulating the bone. Dental implant patients can expect to enjoy a more youthful appearance and better oral health overall.

Fewer Revisionary Treatments

Without the stable foundation provided by dental implants, denture patients, for example, will require more frequent revisions to their appliances. Not only will each revision come with its own price tag. But the cost also extends to the effect on your quality of life. In other words, you can expect to need to visit our Monroeville office more frequently – taking time away from more enjoyable activities in your life.

How We Make Dental Implants More Affordable

For all of these reasons, we believe wholeheartedly that implants are worth the price tag. We hear it time and again from our patients: “I only wish I’d done this sooner.”

Since implants are not covered by insurance, we work hard to place the out-of-pocket implant dentistry costs within reach for virtually any budget. With CareCredit® flexible financing, our patients can qualify for plans with little to no interest. Rather than having to pay for your treatment upfront, you can break it up into manageable monthly payments.

Get a Dental Implant Estimate at Our Practice

Now that we’ve answered the question of whether implants are worth the investment, you’re likely curious how much they actually cost. Treatment costs vary from person to person so the only way we can provide you with an accurate estimate is to see you in our office. Email our Monroeville office today to get started and learn more about what dental implants can do for your smile.